The Art Assignment | PBS Digital Studios
Latin American and Latinx Art is celebrated across Southern California with the Getty-funded initiative Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA. Catch a glimpse of as much of the art, artists, experiences, and tacos as we could pack into three days. Thanks to LA Promise Fund for supporting this episode of the Art Assignment.
To support our channel, visit: http://www.patreon.com/artassignment. Thanks to our Grandmaster of the Arts Indianapolis Homes Realty, and all of our patrons, especially Patrick Hanna and Constance Urist.
Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA: http://www.pacificstandardtime.org
LA Promise Fund: http://www.lapromisefund.org
Self Help Graphics & Art: http://www.selfhelpgraphics.com
Grand Park: http://grandparkla.org/
Craft and Folk Art Museum: http://www.cafam.org
The Museum of Contemporary Art Los Angeles: http://www.moca.org
The Getty Center: http://www.getty.edu
Central Library: http://www.lapl.org/whats-on/exhibits…
LA Plaza: http://lapca.org/
Institute of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles: http://www.theicala.org
Hammer Museum: https://hammer.ucla.edu/
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