Happy Birthday to Robert Smithson, born January 2, 1938 (d. July 20, 1973). Like his fellow earthworks pioneers, Smithson is indelibly connected with the American West through works such as his iconic Spiral Jetty (1970). Yet Smithson was born and raised in the town of Passaic, New Jersey, and laid out many of his initial thoughts on sculpture in his seminal essay and photo tour “A Tour of the Monuments of Passaic, New Jersey” in ARTFORUM magazine in 1967.
In 2014, the Montclair Art Museum revisited the topic with the groundbreaking exhibition Robert Smithson’s New Jersey, which brought together for the first time many of Smithson’s Non-sites sculptures – sculptures consisting of materials from various sites in New Jersey brought back and exhibited in their “non-site” in New York, in a gallery or other art setting. State of the Arts New Jersey covered the exhibition in this video.