“I like to draw what I want to draw. I think if I tried to draw what other people want, I think I might as well be a greeter at WalMart.” —Roz Chast
Who doesn’t love Roz Chast? Especially any self-respecting New Yorker. Opening tonight, November 29, 2018 at the SVA Chelsea Gallery, and running through December 15, 2018, School of Visual Arts is honoring Roz Chast with the 30th annual Masters Series Award and Exhibition. In this video interview with Chast from SVA, the artist discusses such disparate, yet somehow apropos topics as disliking to draw trees (could have been filed under ‘T’ in her 2011 classic What I Hate: From A to Z), touring her files of rejected cartoons, and teaching a pet parrot to say “chirp chirp chirp.” Which is funny.