“This ability of art to link us to others and arouse feelings within us is one of the primary reasons people like art. If we let it, art can penetrate the jaded armor of modern existence many of us wear, inviting us to feel what someone else once felt, someone who might live far away or in centuries past.” —Sarah Green
As we come to the end of the summer months and head careening into the fall art season, we’d like to take this opportunity to step back one last time, to slow down and remind ourselves why we love art in the first place. In this video from The Art Assignment, the always–insightful Sarah Green breaks down the meaning of empathy in art and takes us on a whirlwind tour of examples of empathy in art throughout history. It’s a thoughtful and timely reminder of what inspires us and moves us in art, and why.
This episode of The Art Assignment was made in conjunction with the also–great Smarthistory. We encourage you to support these great organizations, and we will continue to share highlights with you.