“So the way that I would think of it is, To what extent are we cognitively capable of conceiving of things as wide and distributed as climate change, or global environmental crisis, or species extinction? And how does that infiltrate or permeate our experience of everyday life?” —Lucia Pietroiusti
Continuing on the theme of addressing climate change through art, we turn back to the Venice Biennale, where Lithuania was awarded the Golden Lion for Best National Participation. Lithuania’s exhibition, titled Sun & Sea (Marina), by artists Lina Lapelytė, Vaiva Grainytė, and Rugilė Barzdžiukaitė, and curated by Lucia Pietroiusti is a beautifully disconcerting opera about climate change, set on a beach, taking place in an industrial warehouse. In this video from the Venice Biennale, curator Pietroiusti talks about the effectiveness of art to reflect human’s response to climate change.