MUSEUMS: Rodney McMillian on Decolonizing Landscape Painting
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
“I’m from South Carolina – I don’t recall ever looking at the landscape as a pastoral scene. I’ve always encountered it as a space of work, as a space of ownership, as a space of oppression.” —Rodney McMillian
The subject of decolonization has been much on the minds of the art worlders of late, with a variety of movements addressing museums and other institutions. Artist Rodney McMillian has approached the movement from the perspective of decolonizing painting itself – a topic he addressed in a recent closed solo exhibition at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, which featured the installation In This Land (2019).
“The exhibition features a painted abstract panorama spanning the entirety of the gallery, paired with a soundscape interweaving iconic 1980s songs performed by McMillian and the voice of a social advocate proposing radically new language and policies around the condition of homelessness. This immersive installation questions the political systems that promise freedom and equality for all, and highlights the power of the individual to affect hope and create change.”
In this video from SFMoMA, McMillian, Richard Mayhew, and Julie Mehretu discuss the ways they use abstraction to confront the colonial history and narratives of traditional Western landscapes.